To Renew All Things in Christ

On April 30th and May 1st, the Pius X Secular Institute's delegates and substitutes will meet in a hybrid fashion (in person and virtually) to undertake the last stage of preparation for the 2022 General Assembly. This General Assembly will take place from June 17th to 24th at the Maison du Renouveau in Quebec City.

Postponed since 2020 because of the Covid pandemic, the leaders of the Pius X Secular Institute believe that the minimal conditions are met to carry out this important General Assembly. The pandemic will have introduced us to the use of different communication technologies; the delegates from Guatemala and Colombia will work in virtual communion with the members from Canada and the United States who will be meeting in person at the Maison du Renouveau.

The meeting of April 30th and May 1st will not only allow for the study of the different proposals that will be presented to the General Assembly, but will also give the opportunity to verify the operating mode from three different venues.

Among the different proposals, there are important topics: the choices to be made to ensure the future of the Institute, the presence of the elderly in the Family, the means of communication, the possibility of establishing an apostolic center in Latin America, etc. Undoubtedly, other topics will also be discussed during the General Assembly.

In addition to these topics to be discerned, the delegates of the Assembly will also elect a new General Council. This is one of the most important tasks that the members of the General Assembly will carry out.

For several years now, the preparation of the 2022 General Assembly has been carried out by a preparation committee, under the leadership of Guy Brodeur and Ginette Larose, an associate couple and member of the current General Council. With the support of Suzanne Guérard, Réjean Langlais, Robert Marcoux and Huguette Labrecque from the Quebec region, with André Plourde and Maryse Guérin from the Saguenay/Lac St-Jean region, and with Miguel Ángel Avendaño Toledo from the Guatemala region, they have undertaken visits to every Institute region, collected different ideas for proposals for the General Assembly and proceeded to the election of the different delegates and substitutes.

The preparation for the General Assembly is also a spiritual one among the members of the Pius X Secular Institute. A prayer was composed and is taken up by the members and friends of the apostolic Family in order to invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit on this General Assembly.


Lord Jesus,

you have called us to follow you

on the road that leads to the mission

and we have responded: Here we are!

Today, you still invite us to give of ourselves entirely,

so that You may be

better known, loved and served.

As we prepare ourselves

for the next General Assembly

give to the Pius X Secular Institute Family

a new prophetic drive

to proclaim your love with courage and strength.

May our words and our actions

state clearly and strongly

that You are the only Master and Lord,

who brings us together

to build a new world

of justice, peace and brotherhood.

Keep our lamp burning

with the fire of your Spirit.

May He be present

at every moment of our daily life

to enkindle the hearts

of all the men and women of our times.

May your Spirit teach them

that they are also called

to this great adventure of love and holiness.

Thus, together, we will be able

to renew all things in Christ.


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