The latest news from the Pius X Secular Institute

Lettre circulaire

Depuis les débuts de l’Institut, le Père Roy écrivait des lettres circulaires aux membres. « En publiant une Circulaire, le Père Roy, d’une manière officielle s’adressait à tous les membres de l’Institut Séculier Pie X.

My Heart is Saddened

My heart is saddened since yesterday afternoon, when I learned – once again – of a gun massacre in the United States. This time, the death toll is 19 children in an elementary school, 2 teachers and the perpetrator of this massacre. We are talking about children, for God’s sake, who were probably already thinking about the school vacations scheduled in two days!

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La Maison in Mission!

On May 17th, the members of the Corporation of the Maison du Renouveau met for their General Assembly. This annual event allows the members of the Corporation to receive the different activity reports and to propose new ideas for the continuity of the mission of the Maison du Renouveau.

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I Love You With All My Heart !

In a few days, it will be Mother’s Day. Of course, I consider myself blessed to still have mine who, despite her advancing age, continues to be this complete woman. Her health may not be the same as it was 40 or 50 years ago, but her fortitude and desire to continue to pass on her values of love and faith still impress me.

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