Let’s Celebrate Saint Pius X !

This year, the feast of Saint Pius X, celebrated on August 21, fell on a Sunday. So, obviously, Sunday, the day of the Lord's resurrection, takes precedence over the feasts of the saints. So, normally, the feast would have gone unnoticed in 2022! And yet...

Consecrated members living in Quebec City (Canada) took advantage of the weekend of August 19-20-21 to live a time of spiritual retreat together. Through texts from the Word of God that show the concern of God who takes care of each of his children, the consecrated members – men and women – of the region were able to take this time of retreat at the end of the summer to re-launch themselves in the mission.

On Sunday morning, several associate members and collaborators from the region joined the consecrated members to celebrate the Eucharist and share lunch. It was a pleasant time for the Family to be able to meet and share in fellowship before the launch of the apostolic year in the coming weeks. This next activity will mark the beginning of a new chapter for the Pius X Secular Institute; it will mark the first year of the new mandate that began with the 2022 General Assembly that we held last June.

The members present in Latin America did not let this feast of Pius X pass unnoticed. On the evening of August 20, an initiative of the members of the Guatemala region made possible a Zoom meeting bringing together aspirants, candidates and members from Latin America with the consecrated members of Quebec; this created the opportunity to live a time of acquaintance and sharing for over two hours. What energy to see 36 connections and 45 people gathered – virtually – to rekindle the hope that our secular consecrated vocation inspires. There were participants from 12 countries, including an aspirant from Mozambique! In front of these faces, some still full of enthusiastic youth, others just as generous while responding for several years to the call, each one became aware that the Pius X Secular Institute Family is living a particular grace. The founder, Father Henri Roy, liked to say: “Our parish is the world”; today, this prophetic vision is being realized for the greater glory of God!

On Sunday, August 21, the members of the Guatemala region were called to the capital for a fraternal meeting. It was an opportunity for some delegates of the General Assembly of last June to share their experiences and to make a first presentation of the resolutions to the members of this region.

On the same day, in Colombia, the Family of the Pius X Secular Institute met together in a parish of Popayán to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist with the Christian community. Of course, those of the Family met to celebrate the feast of this great saint and to be challenged once again by his fidelity and generosity. The life of this holy pope invites all the members of the Pius X Secular Institute to let themselves be inspired by his motto: “To renew all things in Christ”. These words find their meaning when each and every member commits to make their life a witness of faith and action to build the Kingdom of a new heaven and a new earth! May the inspiration of Saint Pius X lead us to this day by day!

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