Against war, for peace!

The Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes (CCIS) issued a statement on March 13, 2022 regarding the grave situation in Ukraine. Our presence in the world calls us to be involved, in whatever way we can, to show our solidarity and affection for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are facing the horror of war.

This statement has been sent to the Russian and Ukrainian embassies in Canada and to the Prime Minister of Canada. In addition, the members of the CCIS executive council also invited the members of the various secular institutes to show their solidarity in a concrete way by making a financial contribution to the various organizations that are providing relief and support to people affected by the war in Ukraine and to the refugees who have fled their country. The Pius X Secular Institute joined this initiative by making a donation to CNEWA-Canada (Catholic Aid Association for the Orient).

Father Marcel Caron is currently the president of the CCIS.

Here is the text of the CCIS press release:


Against war, for peace!

“Every war leaves our world worse than it was before. War is a failure of politics and of humanity, a shameful capitulation, a stinging defeat before the forces of evil. Let us not remain mired in theoretical discussions, but touch the wounded flesh of the victims. Let us look once more at all those civilians whose killing was considered “collateral damage”. Let us ask the victims themselves. Let us think of the refugees and displaced, those who suffered the effects of atomic radiation or chemical attacks, the mothers who lost their children, and the boys and girls maimed or deprived of their childhood. Let us hear the true stories of these victims of violence, look at reality through their eyes, and listen with an open heart to the stories they tell. In this way, we will be able to grasp the abyss of evil at the heart of war. Nor will it trouble us to be deemed naive for choosing peace” (Fratelli tutti, 261). (Fratelli tutti, 261)

These words of Pope Francis should move every person of good will. The images and “live” reports of war make us cry out: “Enough! War never again!”

The Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes (CCIS), which brings together the various secular institutes present in Canada, denounces the aggression against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Russian government and its leaders. We call for an immediate halt to this aggression and for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.

It is a clear violation of international law to knowingly attack the sovereignty of a country while targeting Ukrainian facilities and civilians. As the number of victims is counted in the thousands and millions of people are forced to flee their country, the CCIS expresses its support for all persons wounded by the horror of war.

United in prayer, we ask that men and women of good will rise up to build paths of peace and solidarity. Together, may we commit ourselves today and always to be against war, for peace!

Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes

Voluntas Dei

Pius X Secular Institute

Les Équipières Sociales

Ancilla Domini

Deus Caritas Secular Institute

Institut Séculier Deus Caritas

Sons of Notre Dame de Vie

Présence et Vie

Notre Dame de Vie

Auxiliaires Franciscaines

Oblates Missionaries of Mary Immaculate

Company of Saint Ursula

Trois-Rivières, March 13, 2022.

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