The latest news from the Pius X Secular Institute

Lettre circulaire

Depuis les débuts de l’Institut, le Père Roy écrivait des lettres circulaires aux membres. « En publiant une Circulaire, le Père Roy, d’une manière officielle s’adressait à tous les membres de l’Institut Séculier Pie X.

Planting the Cross to Bring Forth Hope!

Here we are in the middle of our journey towards Easter, towards new life! Do we really believe in it? Even if the sun tries to pierce the clouds, they close in and become more and more threatening. The words of 2000 years ago sound like déjà vu. “It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun’s light failed” (Luke 23:44-45).

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website makeover

Our website is getting a makeover!

As I write these lines, the snow and ice in Quebec City are melting under the sun. Spring will be at our doors in a few days with its promises of new life. For the Pius X Secular Institute, the time has also come to enter into a renewal process! As our motto so well indicates, we must “renew all things in Christ”! I

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